tiny_captcha : rust lightweight captcha generator that compiles to wasm
Lightweight CAPTCHA generator, relying only on rand and gif, can be compiled into wasm.
Based on Ivan Tikhonov's captcha library, rewritten with c2rust code conversion.
The font file is from https://github.com/ITikhonov/captcha/blob/master/font.h and is ASCII artwork, make and then use unfont to generate the array.
Use the demo :
use anyhow::Result;
use std::{env::current_exe, fs::File};
use tiny_captcha::gif;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
for i in 1..=10 {
let exe = current_exe()?;
let gif_path = exe.parent().unwrap().join(format!("{}.gif", i));
let word = gif(&mut File::create(&gif_path)?);
println!("{} {}", word, gif_path.display());
The output is shown :