Modifying quickjs to import rust functions - a new way of thinking about extending Kraken

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Krakenopen in new window is a high-performance web rendering engine based on Flutter, which uses quickjsopen in new window as its scripting engine.

I expect to write some extensions to Kraken using rust.

Kraken supports writing extensions with dartopen in new window .

Using flutter_rust_bridgeopen in new window rust and dart.

Combining the above two points, it is not difficult to write Kraken extensions using rust.
However, the performance overhead of this solution feels high, because dart calls rust with one performance loss, and quickjs calls dart with another performance loss.

On the other hand, while the rust community has rquickjsopen in new window such calls to the quickjs library in rust.
However, they call quickjs instead of embedding quickjs, and cannot be used to magic quickjs.

In this code base, I implemented a new solution: directly modifying the quickjs source code to support the rust extension.

This is a general solution that can be used not only for modifying Kraken, but also for all frameworks and libraries that embed quickjs.


The test.js code is as follows :

const try_run = (func, ...args) => {
  try {
  } catch (err) {
    console.log('❌', err.message)

import * as rust from 'rust'
console.log("export from rust :", Object.keys(rust))

import {
} from 'rust'

(async () => {

  console.log('begin sleep 2s')
  await sleep(2000);
  console.log('sleep done')

  console.log('fib(3) =', fib(3));

  console.log("try catch example :")
  try_run(fib, '*');


Run ./quickjs/qjs test.js, output :

export from rust : fib,sleep
begin sleep 2s
sleep done
fib(3) = 6
try catch example :
❌ miss : args need 1 pass 0
    at fib (native)
    at try_run (test.js:8)
    at <anonymous> (test.js:27)

❌ not number : args position 0
    at fib (native)
    at try_run (test.js:6)
    at <anonymous> (test.js:28)

Implementation of fib in rust

The fib function imported in js is from rust/src/export/ and the code is as follows :

use crate::js::{self, arg};
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::os::raw::c_int;

pub fn fib(n: i64) -> i64 {
  if n <= 1 {
    return if n == 1 { 1 } else { 0 };
  n + fib(n - 1)

pub extern "C" fn js_fib(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, fib_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => js::val(ctx, fib(n)),

Currently, the procedure macro #[js] just adds a constant fib_args_lenthat identifies the number of arguments to the function.

In the future, the procedure macro ./rust_macro can be written to enable fully automated function export.

Asynchronous sleep implementation in rust

The sleep function imported in js is from rust/src/export/ and the code is as follows :

use crate::js::{self, arg};
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::os::raw::c_int;

pub fn fib(n: i64) -> i64 {
  if n <= 1 {
    return if n == 1 { 1 } else { 0 };
  n + fib(n - 1)

pub extern "C" fn js_fib(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, fib_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => js::val(ctx, fib(n)),
use crate::{js::arg, qjs::run};
use async_io::Timer;
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::{os::raw::c_int, time::Duration};

pub async fn sleep(n: u64) {

pub extern "C" fn js_sleep(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, sleep_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => run(ctx, async move {
      sleep(n as u64).await;

As you can see above, all the exported functions are defined in the directory ./rust/src/export. This directory is automatically generated when ./rust/build.xsh is run, exporting all the .rs files under it.

Reading and validation of js incoming parameters

Parameters are read and verified at src/js/ with the following code :

use crate::js::{self, arg};
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::os::raw::c_int;

pub fn fib(n: i64) -> i64 {
  if n <= 1 {
    return if n == 1 { 1 } else { 0 };
  n + fib(n - 1)

pub extern "C" fn js_fib(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, fib_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => js::val(ctx, fib(n)),
use crate::{js::arg, qjs::run};
use async_io::Timer;
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::{os::raw::c_int, time::Duration};

pub async fn sleep(n: u64) {

pub extern "C" fn js_sleep(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, sleep_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => run(ctx, async move {
      sleep(n as u64).await;
use crate::js::throw;

use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue, JS_IsNumber, JS_ToInt64};
use std::{mem::MaybeUninit, os::raw::c_int};

pub(crate) fn arg_miss(ctx: *mut JSContext, argc: c_int, need: c_int) -> Result<(), JSValue> {
  if argc < need {
    throw(ctx, format!("miss : args need {need} pass {argc}"))?

pub(crate) fn arg_i64(ctx: *mut JSContext, argv: *mut JSValue, pos: isize) -> Result<i64, JSValue> {
  unsafe {
    let val = *argv.offset(pos);
    if JS_IsNumber(val) == 0 {
      throw(ctx, format!("not number : args position {pos}"))?
    let mut n = MaybeUninit::uninit();
    JS_ToInt64(ctx, n.as_mut_ptr() as _, val);

Currently, only the checksum for the number of parameters and the reading of i64 type parameters are provided.

You can add them as required. See the functions starting with JS_To in qjs_sysopen in new window for reading functions.

From rust to js data type conversion

The type conversion is done in src/js/ with the following code :

use crate::js::{self, arg};
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::os::raw::c_int;

pub fn fib(n: i64) -> i64 {
  if n <= 1 {
    return if n == 1 { 1 } else { 0 };
  n + fib(n - 1)

pub extern "C" fn js_fib(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, fib_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => js::val(ctx, fib(n)),
use crate::{js::arg, qjs::run};
use async_io::Timer;
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::{os::raw::c_int, time::Duration};

pub async fn sleep(n: u64) {

pub extern "C" fn js_sleep(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, sleep_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => run(ctx, async move {
      sleep(n as u64).await;
use crate::js::throw;

use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue, JS_IsNumber, JS_ToInt64};
use std::{mem::MaybeUninit, os::raw::c_int};

pub(crate) fn arg_miss(ctx: *mut JSContext, argc: c_int, need: c_int) -> Result<(), JSValue> {
  if argc < need {
    throw(ctx, format!("miss : args need {need} pass {argc}"))?

pub(crate) fn arg_i64(ctx: *mut JSContext, argv: *mut JSValue, pos: isize) -> Result<i64, JSValue> {
  unsafe {
    let val = *argv.offset(pos);
    if JS_IsNumber(val) == 0 {
      throw(ctx, format!("not number : args position {pos}"))?
    let mut n = MaybeUninit::uninit();
    JS_ToInt64(ctx, n.as_mut_ptr() as _, val);
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue, JS_NewInt64, JS_NewString, JS_NULL, JS_UNDEFINED};
use std::ffi::CString;

pub enum Val {

impl From<()> for Val {
  fn from(_: ()) -> Self {

impl From<i64> for Val {
  fn from(t: i64) -> Self {

impl From<CString> for Val {
  fn from(t: CString) -> Self {

pub(crate) fn val(ctx: *mut JSContext, t: impl Into<Val>) -> JSValue {
  match t.into() {
    Val::None => JS_NULL,
    Val::Undefined => JS_UNDEFINED,
    Val::I64(n) => unsafe { JS_NewInt64(ctx, n) },
    Val::CString(cstr) => unsafe { JS_NewString(ctx, cstr.as_ptr()) },

Currently only 4 types are defined for conversion from None, (), i64, CString to js, you can add them if you want.

For more data type declarations, see the functions starting with JS_New in qjs_sysopen in new window.

Development environment

I'm developing on an Apple laptop, rust is 1.62.0-nightly.

First, install direnvopen in new window, enter the directory and direnv allow for a while

Install python3, then pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt

run ./build.xsh to compile and run the demo

The default is to clone the official repository of quickjs, if you want to modify the quickjs in the Kraken repository, first

git clone --recursive --depth=1

then do the following

rm -rf quickjs
ln -s ../kraken/bridge/third_party/quickjs .

Finally, re-run the ./build.xsh

Directory structure

  • ./quickjs_rust
    Modify the c-file of the quickjs code

  • ./quickjs_ffi
    Export the functions from the quickjs header file to rust

  • ./rust
    Use rust to implement the functions in quickjs

    • ./rust/src/
      Implementation of asynchronous calls. Since quickjs is single-threaded, the function calls involving quckjs are written in the main thread.
  • ./rust_macro
    rust Implementation of the procedure macro #[js]

    In the future, you can refer to wasmedge-quickjsopen in new window to implement automatic export of rust functions to js functions. wasmedge-quickjs → JsFunctionTrampolineopen in new window

Build scripts build.xsh

Without further ado, let's go straight to the source code of the build.xsh build script

#!/usr/bin/env xonsh

from pathlib import Path
from os.path import dirname,abspath,exists,join
PWD = dirname(abspath(__file__))
cd @(PWD)

p".xonshrc".exists() && source .xonshrc

quickjs = 'quickjs'

if not exists(quickjs):
  git clone --depth=1



def ln_s(li):
  for arg in li.split(' '):
    fp = join(quickjs,arg)
    if not exists(fp):
      ln -s @(PWD)/@(arg) @(fp)

ln_s('quickjs_rust rust quickjs_ffi rust_macro')

cd @(quickjs)
make qjs

cd @(PWD)
./quickjs/qjs --unhandled-rejection -m test.js 2>&1 | tee test.js.out

Explanation of the principle


Running ./quickjs_rust/ will make some minor changes to the quickjs source code.

One of the functions JS_AddRust is used to inject into the rust module.

rust_run is injected into JS_ExecutePendingJob to call asynchronous functions.

A screenshot of all the changes is shown below :


From the above changes, you can see that we have introduced a new header file quickjs_rust.h with the following code


#include "../quickjs/quickjs.h"
#include "../rust/rust.h"

#define countof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
#define JS_RUSTFUNC_DEF(name) JS_CFUNC_DEF(#name, name##_args_len, js_##name)
#include "./js_rust_funcs.h"

static const unsigned int js_rust_funcs_count = countof(js_rust_funcs);

static int
js_rust_init(JSContext* ctx, JSModuleDef* m)
  return JS_SetModuleExportList(ctx, m, js_rust_funcs,

#define JS_INIT_MODULE js_init_module_rust

JSModuleDef* JS_INIT_MODULE(JSContext* ctx, const char* module_name)
  JSModuleDef* m;
  m = JS_NewCModule(ctx, module_name, js_rust_init);
  if (!m)
    return NULL;
  js_rust_init(ctx, m);
  return m;

void JS_AddRust(JSContext* ctx, JSRuntime* rt)
  JSModuleDef* m = JS_INIT_MODULE(ctx, "rust");
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < js_rust_funcs_count; i++) {
    JS_AddModuleExport(ctx, m, js_rust_funcs[i].name);
  rust_init(ctx, rt);



You can see that quickjs_rust/quickjs_rust.h introduces quickjs_rust/js_rust_funcs.h, which is automatically generated from the rust export function header file rust/rust.h, so don't modify it manually.

And rust/rust.h is generated by calling cbindgen in ./rust/build.xsh.


#!/usr/bin/env xonsh

from os.path import dirname,abspath
import platform
PWD = dirname(abspath(__file__))
cd @(PWD)

p"../.xonshrc".exists() && source ../.xonshrc


system = platform.system().lower()
if system == 'darwin':
  system = f'apple-{system}'


def cbindgen():
  cbindgen -q --config cbindgen.toml --crate rust --output rust.h

  cargo clean

cargo build \
--release \
-Z build-std=std,panic_abort \
-Z build-std-features=panic_immediate_abort \
--target @(TARGET)

mv ./target/@(TARGET)/release/librust.a ./target/release

Development Notes


Code from quijine/main/quijine_core/src/ffi.rsopen in new window

with some minor modifications, replacing

use crate::js::{self, arg};
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::os::raw::c_int;

pub fn fib(n: i64) -> i64 {
  if n <= 1 {
    return if n == 1 { 1 } else { 0 };
  n + fib(n - 1)

pub extern "C" fn js_fib(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, fib_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => js::val(ctx, fib(n)),
use crate::{js::arg, qjs::run};
use async_io::Timer;
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::{os::raw::c_int, time::Duration};

pub async fn sleep(n: u64) {

pub extern "C" fn js_sleep(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, sleep_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => run(ctx, async move {
      sleep(n as u64).await;
use crate::js::throw;

use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue, JS_IsNumber, JS_ToInt64};
use std::{mem::MaybeUninit, os::raw::c_int};

pub(crate) fn arg_miss(ctx: *mut JSContext, argc: c_int, need: c_int) -> Result<(), JSValue> {
  if argc < need {
    throw(ctx, format!("miss : args need {need} pass {argc}"))?

pub(crate) fn arg_i64(ctx: *mut JSContext, argv: *mut JSValue, pos: isize) -> Result<i64, JSValue> {
  unsafe {
    let val = *argv.offset(pos);
    if JS_IsNumber(val) == 0 {
      throw(ctx, format!("not number : args position {pos}"))?
    let mut n = MaybeUninit::uninit();
    JS_ToInt64(ctx, n.as_mut_ptr() as _, val);
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue, JS_NewInt64, JS_NewString, JS_NULL, JS_UNDEFINED};
use std::ffi::CString;

pub enum Val {

impl From<()> for Val {
  fn from(_: ()) -> Self {

impl From<i64> for Val {
  fn from(t: i64) -> Self {

impl From<CString> for Val {
  fn from(t: CString) -> Self {

pub(crate) fn val(ctx: *mut JSContext, t: impl Into<Val>) -> JSValue {
  match t.into() {
    Val::None => JS_NULL,
    Val::Undefined => JS_UNDEFINED,
    Val::I64(n) => unsafe { JS_NewInt64(ctx, n) },
    Val::CString(cstr) => unsafe { JS_NewString(ctx, cstr.as_ptr()) },
pub use libquickjs_sys::*;


use crate::js::{self, arg};
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::os::raw::c_int;

pub fn fib(n: i64) -> i64 {
  if n <= 1 {
    return if n == 1 { 1 } else { 0 };
  n + fib(n - 1)

pub extern "C" fn js_fib(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, fib_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => js::val(ctx, fib(n)),
use crate::{js::arg, qjs::run};
use async_io::Timer;
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue};
use rust_macro::js;
use std::{os::raw::c_int, time::Duration};

pub async fn sleep(n: u64) {

pub extern "C" fn js_sleep(
  ctx: *mut JSContext,
  _this: JSValue,
  argc: c_int,
  argv: *mut JSValue,
) -> JSValue {
  if let Err(err) = arg::arg_miss(ctx, argc, sleep_args_len) {
    return err;
  match arg::arg_i64(ctx, argv, 0) {
    Err(err) => err,
    Ok(n) => run(ctx, async move {
      sleep(n as u64).await;
use crate::js::throw;

use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue, JS_IsNumber, JS_ToInt64};
use std::{mem::MaybeUninit, os::raw::c_int};

pub(crate) fn arg_miss(ctx: *mut JSContext, argc: c_int, need: c_int) -> Result<(), JSValue> {
  if argc < need {
    throw(ctx, format!("miss : args need {need} pass {argc}"))?

pub(crate) fn arg_i64(ctx: *mut JSContext, argv: *mut JSValue, pos: isize) -> Result<i64, JSValue> {
  unsafe {
    let val = *argv.offset(pos);
    if JS_IsNumber(val) == 0 {
      throw(ctx, format!("not number : args position {pos}"))?
    let mut n = MaybeUninit::uninit();
    JS_ToInt64(ctx, n.as_mut_ptr() as _, val);
use quickjs_ffi::{JSContext, JSValue, JS_NewInt64, JS_NewString, JS_NULL, JS_UNDEFINED};
use std::ffi::CString;

pub enum Val {

impl From<()> for Val {
  fn from(_: ()) -> Self {

impl From<i64> for Val {
  fn from(t: i64) -> Self {

impl From<CString> for Val {
  fn from(t: CString) -> Self {

pub(crate) fn val(ctx: *mut JSContext, t: impl Into<Val>) -> JSValue {
  match t.into() {
    Val::None => JS_NULL,
    Val::Undefined => JS_UNDEFINED,
    Val::I64(n) => unsafe { JS_NewInt64(ctx, n) },
    Val::CString(cstr) => unsafe { JS_NewString(ctx, cstr.as_ptr()) },
pub use libquickjs_sys::*;

include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_JS_ToInt32"

Modified '. /rust/Cargo.toml' as follows, keeping only staticlib

#crate-type = ["lib", "cdylib", "staticlib"]
crate-type = ["staticlib"]


  1. From the JS engine to the JS runtime (top)open in new window (bottom)open in new window
  2. Developing a native module for QuickJS in Copen in new window
  3. Use Rust to implement JS APIopen in new window
  4. QuickJS examplesopen in new window
  5. rust-bindgenopen in new window
  6. How to create asynchronous code for QuickJSopen in new window
  7. rquickjs → JS_NewPromiseCapabilityopen in new window
  8. wasmedge-quickjs → new_promiseopen in new window
  9. wasmedge-quickjs → JsMethodopen in new window
  10. wasmedge-quickjs → callopen in new window
  11. The Undetectable Trap - Locks in Rustopen in new window


This project is part of the ( rmw.linkopen in new window ) code project.

Last Updated:
Contributors: gcxfd