vuepress build blog
I have built a static blog based on vuep ress 2.0 as the official website of
The codebase address is
The custom content is as follows :
Use md-padding and git hooks to automatically add spaces between Chinese and English
git clone
After that, go to the directory and typedirenv allow
and .envrc will be executed to install git hooks automatically.direnv is the environment autoloader tool. Click here to see the tutorial.
Automatically clean up old files from other languages after renaming the main language file name
Monitor changes and compile stylus styles and coffeescript scripts to
Here we use the widget concurrently to run multiple command line tasks concurrently, the parameter
ensures that only one script is running at a timeBatch download script for fonts in css files
Based on xonsh,
./download.xsh code.css
will download fonts from css files and generate the corresponding stylus.xonsh is a useful combination of python and bash.
The default language of the browser is automatically switched when visiting the home page
The citation style demo is as follows
Yifeng Ruan: "Why I like The Pirate Bay?:
Some might say that without copyright, people would not be motivated to innovate.
The success of the free software movement is proof that this argument is not true.
In fact, free sharing can make great work, and it can also make money from its services.
"Richard Stallman, the 'father of free software', said: 'I will never spend my life building a prison to imprison others!
So, please don't say "copyright system encourages originality" anymore, it's just a smokescreen for capitalists and a desecration of human creativity.
Truly great inventions are made out of hobby or for noble purposes like "promoting human welfare", not for money!Add cdn to github image bed, Gumlet will recognize the browser and automatically convert png to webp or avif to save bandwidth and improve page loading speed.